最新熱報:12強出爐囉!(12強決賽宣傳片連結:https://youtu.be/jrgxxPqqAi0 )
時間:12/08 (三) 18:30
寫作教學中心FB https://www.facebook.com/ntuawec
Invitation to the 3MT Final Showdown for Graduate Students attending Universities in Taiwan
Dear Fellow Teachers, Colleagues, and Students,
We are pleased to announce that this year’s 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) event involves 152 graduate students from 9 countries and 10 universities. This is the highest number of universities ever to participate in our 3MT competition.
This year, we expect our final showdown on 12/08 to be even more exciting and competitive than in previous years.
Currently, the 12 finalists for this competition are preparing their presentations, getting into position, and readying for battle.
Do you wish to witness this NTU 3MT clash? The 3MT is a popular competition conducted at universities across the globe, and has seen soaring popularity in Japan, Australia, and the U.S.
Are you curious about who these 12 finalists are and how they rose above over 100 other contestants?
We sincerely invite you to join us and see these 12 finalists in action as they present their graduate research in only three minutes each. You will be able to see how these finalists summarize their research, describe their research process, and present data visually through a single PowerPoint slide, all in an engaging and entertaining way in 180 seconds or less.
You will also benefit from listening to critiques by scholars and professionals while you enjoy this international, top notch, academic competition. Due to high demand and limited seating, we suggest that you arrive early to secure your spot. Don’t miss out on this chance to attend this year’s exceptional 3MT Final!
Before the Final Event, you are invited to predict who will be the winner this year. On the day of the Final Event, you will be invited to vote for a preferred contestant, and have the opportunity to win a smart speaker valued at 3,000 NTD. If you are not available, you can watch the competition through our Facebook livestream.
Time: 12/08 (Wed.) 18:30
Venue: NTU Boya Lecture Building R101
Event Website: https://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/3mt/2021-3mt/
Promo: https://youtu.be/6_JXPCwM8Lk
Final Event Promo: https://youtu.be/jrgxxPqqAi0
AWEC Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ntuawec
3MT Voting Page: https://reurl.cc/2o9zGE
Academic Writing Education Center