
Problem-based Learning Programs (PBL): Overview

In 2017, Taiwan Tech began promoting student-oriented problem-based teaching (PBL) methods to change traditional teacher-centered, one-way teaching styles and change students’ passive learning patterns. We have launched several programs that aim to strengthen our students’ motivation, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. 

  • Developing problem-oriented teaching skills: Since 2017, Taiwan Tech has regularly invited domestic scholars and experts with rich experience in PBL to conduct professional growth seminars. 
  • Transforming a curriculum into a PBL-oriented curriculum: We organize workshops that would stimulate the participants’ creativity and guide them to re-rethink and redesigning the original curriculum of a course.  Courses that originally focused on student discussion can be evolved into formal PBL courses. 
  • Establishing a problem-based learning environment: We ask departments to put forward their needs and suggestions, and set up an interactive discussion approach for teachers and students. For example, the original classrooms will be converted into problem-oriented dedicated classrooms.
  • Offering PBL teaching rewards: By offering a reward scheme, we wish to encourage instructors to open PBL courses, to identify excellent PBL courses, and to increase the overall quality of PBL courses. 

 How to apply for PBL subsidies and rewards: 

  • For information on subsidies and rewards, please see the relevant regulations (only Chinese version currently) [click here]. 
  • For the application forms for PBL subsidies and awards, please [click here] . 
  • Contact person: Mr. Cheng Hong-Wei, extension 3229, e-mail: hungwei@mail.ntust.edu.tw.