
Instructions for the selection of outstanding and excellent teaching assistants:

*Teaching assistants should identify whether they are general course teaching assistants or EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) teaching assistants, and attend training sessions accordingly. For example, general course teaching assistants can only participate in general course (in Chinese) training workshops.

● General Course:

(1) Eligibility for selection:
Those who participate in the selection of outstanding and excellent teaching assistants must attend a teaching assistant workshop organized by the Office of Academic Affairs' Center of Teaching and Learning Development or participate in two workshops organized by the Center of Teaching and Learning Development during the semester , in order to obtain certification as a teaching assistant. Additionally, they must attend at least one workshop organized by the Center of Teaching and Learning Development during the semester  (Brief explanation: There are two methods for obtaining eligibility for the selection of teaching assistants. Method one: attend one teaching assistant workshop and an additional workshop organized by the Center of Teaching and Learning Development during the semester. Method two: attend any three  workshops organized by the Center of Teaching and Learning Development during the semester.

(2) Scope of selection:
The selection of teaching assistants for the previous semester will be conducted during the current semester. (For example, to participate in the selection of outstanding and excellent TAs for 110-1, it will be held during 110-2.)

(3) Submission deadline:
Will be announced by the Center of Teaching and Learning Development.

(4) Required documents:

a. Application form (as shown in Annex 1), recommendation letter (as shown in Annex 2), and relevant supporting documents in hard copy. If there are none, no submission is required.

b. Submit all hard copy materials to Assistant Zhou of the Center of Teaching and Learning Development in Office IB-205.

c. Award announcement: After the selection review is completed, it will be announced on the website of the Center of Teaching and Learning Development of the Office of Academic Affairs, and awardees will be notified separately.

d. Award presentation: Those selected as outstanding and excellent teaching assistants will receive a certificate of commendation and a cash award, which will be presented publicly by the Center of Teaching and Learning Development on a selected date.


【Relevant attachments】

【General course English version】
Comment Attachment1 Awards for General Course Outstanding and Excellent Teaching Assistant Application Form(doc格式)(odt格式)
Comment Attachment2 Awards for General Course Outstanding and Excellent Teaching Assistant Letter of Recommendation(doc格式)(odt格式)

Due to the establishment of "NTUST Office of Bilingual Initiatives", all services related to EMI TAs will now be managed by said office effective Feb.1, 2024. For any inquiries or concerns, please contact Ms. Hsu. Thank you.

Tel: +886-2-2733-3141 ext.1156